25 Ocak 2016 Pazartesi

Reflection task 1a

My name is Tuğba. I study Foreign Language Education in METU. I would like to join your Karate-do group because I am interested in martial arts. I find them quite appealing and have a great respect for them. In my opinion, they contribute a lot of things to a person. Firstly, as they are a branch of sport, people can have a chance to do sport in their daily lives. While doing these sports, people can relax during the trainings, which are also entertaining. Secondly, when people are interested in martial arts, they feel more confident and become much stronger both physically and psychologically.I have experienced these emotions because I have been doing taekwondo for the last two semestre and become green belt. However, I want to try a different martial art in METU. Thus, I have decided to do karate-do this semester. I am not sure about what I can contribute to your group, but I believe your group will contribute to me a lot of skills. I think I can easily learn some basic techniques and involve in your demonstrations. To sum up, I want to improve myself in your group. I am quite interested in your group.

1 yorum:

  1. I think you have expressed your ideas by giving examples and providing supporting sentences. You explained the reason why you should choose Karate-do very well. I agree with you that when people are interested in martial arts, they feel more confident and become much stronger both physically and psychologically.
    Ideas are grouped into paragraph accordingly (firstly, secondly). I think you should use more connectors. Overall, organization is good and message is clear, so I didn't need to read again to understand.
    There aren't any irrelevant ideas, but I saw a little grammer mistake. For example, I study "at" . You should use preposition there.
